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Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) Worcestershire County
Council (B4090, B4091 Hanbury Road, C2079 School Road and C2148
Astwood Lane, Hanbury) (40 mph Speed Limit) Order 2017 (Revocation) and
(B4090, B4091 Hanbury Road, C2079 School Road and C2148 Astwood Lane,
Hanbury) (30 mph and 40 mph Speed Limit) Order 2022
Worcestershire County Council are to consider making an Order the effect of which
will be to update the speed limit Order on the following roads in Hanbury:
B4090 from a point 40m north east of its junction with UC420002 (Salt Way) in a
north easterly then south easterly direction to a point 132m south east of its junction
with B4091 Hanbury Road. B4091 Hanbury Road from its junction with B4090 for
a distance of 560m in a northerly direction.
B4090 from a point 132m south east of its junction with B4091 Hanbury Road for a
distance of 478m in a south easterly direction. B4091 Hanbury Road from a point
560m north of its junction with B4090 to a point 420m north of its junction with
C2079 School Road. C2079 School Road from its junction with B4091 Hanbury
Road to its junction with B4090. C2148 Astwood Lane from its junction with C2079
School Road for a distance of 60m in a northerly direction.
There are exemptions in the Order for Special Forces Vehicles.
Documents in relation to this Order can be downloaded at:; or copies supplied by
emailing; or writing to me at County
Hall. Any objections/representations you may have must be sent in writing to me
at County Hall, or email; to be
received by 16 March 2022
Thomas Pollock, Head of Commercial Law, Legal and Governance, County Hall,
Spetchley Road, Worcester WR5 2NP
16 February 202